Meet the Team — Derrick

In this month’s employee spotlight, we are thrilled to introduce you to Derrick Hodgen, a dedicated and experienced member of our Clutch Automotive team. Derrick’s journey in the automotive industry is one that showcases loyalty and passion for his craft.

Derrick’s career began at Cornerstone Automotive, which is now our Dairy Ashford location. There he worked alongside other skilled technicians, Tommy and Jesse, all of whom share deep roots in the automotive world. In 2007, Derrick transitioned to Mission Car Care, previously owned by Jim Noblitt. He worked under Jim for an impressive 15 years before Mission merged with Clutch Automotive, establishing our Katy location.

With over 23 years of experience in automotive work, Derrick’s long-term goal is to own his own automotive shop within Clutch. Derrick lives in Katy with his wife of 19 years and their two children, a 12-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son who are active in local club sports. On top of the hours Derrick puts in at the shop, he goes above and beyond for his family outside of the shop as they are his top priority. He dedicates himself to supporting his children in their club sports and being an outstanding father. His balance of work and family life is truly admirable, showcasing his commitment to both his career and his loved ones.

Derrick’s connection to Clutch Automotive seems almost like fate. While cars may not be his primary passion, the people he works with keep him motivated and enthusiastic about his work. Derrick’s career has evolved alongside the industry, from working with carburetors during their decline to embracing modern automotive technologies.

Derrick’s extensive experience, positive attitude, and eagerness to learn make him an invaluable asset to our company. We look forward to witnessing his continued growth and achievements at Clutch.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Derrick yet, we encourage you to stop by our Katy location. We’re confident you’ll appreciate his skills and dedication as much as we do! Thank you, Derrick, for your commitment to Clutch Automotive!